"Washed by the Water" by Lynn Weatherford, copyright
The Ascribing Artists Blog is delighted to add Athens artist Lynn Weatherford to the artists links. Please check out her beautiful oils on her Etsy link at: ArtByLynn.etsy.com Lynn's artwork is full of emotion and color and often there is a story behind each image. Look for Lynn's featured artist spot on the Ascribing Artists Blog coming soon!
The Story Behind "Washed by the Water"
This painting is a Lyric painting after the lyrics of the song ' Washed By The Water,' by NeedToBreathe. This is my interpretation of the lyrics. In the background are the literal words, of all the ugly hurtful sins of the world. The sins that can happen to us and hurt us. Sometimes according to the lyrics even our friends and loved ones can turn around and crucify us. But if one is washed by the water of Jesus all of those hurtful things really don't matter. Because one day we will all have the hope of a place were the hurtful things do not exist through Jesus Christ. I painted a child here to represent innocent and purity. The fun she displays shows the joy one celebrates as a new life in Christ. oil stretched canvas 18x30
This painting recently won second place in the state of Alabama's Chancellor's Award in Community Colleges. Award Reception was held November 23, 2008.
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