"Dance" by Rita Campbell, copyright

"Beauty in Ashes" by Rita Campbell, copyright

"Paris in the Park" by Rita Campbell, copyright
Rita Campbell
I have always enjoyed drawing. After graduating from Middle Tenn. State University in 1975 with a B.S. degree in Art Education, I taught art for over 11 years in public schools and home school groups. After my own children grew up and left home, I began to enjoy my own art studio like never before. I paint in oils and pastels, concentrating on the emotional and spiritual impact of human life. I love teaching adults how to truly see whatever they would like to draw realistically. Learning how to see clearly is the prerequisite for drawing accurately. From that point on, creativity can have free access to individual style and artistic expression. It is like seeing the shape of letters in order to write creatively with words .
I am presently organizing a drawing group in the Athens area for those who would like to come together and draw from a live model or real stillife on a weekly basis. Also, I teach drawing classes as described on my web site: drawingfromtherock.com The name Drawing From the Rock came from a scripture that inspired me to begin my art ministry to the community: Isaiah 51:1 Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, who seek the Lord, look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug. That Rock is Jesus Christ, and I am in Him. That means I have the mind of Christ; I am a "chip off the old block", so to speak. My spirit and His are one. I believe I am called of God to encourage the Body of Christ to live in holistic health, and that includes having a restful mind that functions out of a creative relationship with Christ. We have been made in His image; therefore, we can become creative as He is whenever we "draw upon" His nature given to us.
I grew up with creative abilities that I never fully recognized until I learned that these abilities are my heritage from the One who created me and the whole universe! As a Son or Daughter of God, one can grow in the nature of the Father just by learning from Him! For many years, I experienced "artist's block" ( not enjoying doing my own art) because I did not understand who I really am in Christ Jesus. God had to take me to Paris, Amsterdam, and Florence, Italy to show me what He can do through those who truly called themselves "Artists". I repented for " hiding my talents in a napkin", and since that time several years ago, my talents and enthusiasm have multiplied tremendously.
May we, as God's children, draw from the Rock, Jesus Christ, in whom we should move and have our being. The word "artist" should not represent any elite group of people; rather, it is a descriptive term referring to those who recognize their creative talents and enjoy them. Many artists never give honor to the source of all true creativity, and others never accept their heritage. I, for one, want to do both and then help others to do the same. How about you?
Isaiah 50:4 The Lord God has given Me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple.
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